The Matic Group prides itself on its customer-centric focus, safety supremacy, partnership formation and our shared vision to be “Driven by Performance”. We remain big enough to provide extensive logistics services but small enough to care…
Vision Statement
Our core vision focuses on building on our commitment to targeted and exemplary performance achieved in the transport sphere and realising a diversified presence in the logistics supply chain – without equal.
The Vision of Matic Group serves as the fundamental precursor to continued business success. The Vision Statement acts to accurately reflect the Matic Group of Companies destination by protecting the core offering and realising a diversified business portfolio as a means to gain competitive advantage. With this in mind, the Vision Statement reflects our future business endeavours.

Mission Statement
Matic Group is committed to our Safety, Customer, Teamwork and Performance philosophy in order to produce financial value by providing diversified logistic service solutions in our target markets.
The Matic Group Mission Statement introduces our revised focus on transitioning the traditional transport capability into a fully-fledged logistics service provider capability. This extends the current core capability and captures the desire to gain depth within the supply chain. The Mission Statement clearly states what Matic Group seeks to accomplish, why the company exists and what is the ultimate result of our work.
Value Statement
Safety, Customer, Teamwork And Performance
The value beliefs have been instrumental in the development of the Matic Group. Each value element demonstrates what each Matic Team Member holds true, common and endeavours to put into practice every working day. The Value Principles answer the question, “What are the basic beliefs that we share as an organization?“. In brief, each of the value elements represent the following:
All safety stakeholders (staff, contractors, clients, suppliers, public) are central to our philosophy of ‘zero’ harm’, with Matic Group working tirelessly to prevent a hazard and risk event coming together.
A customer-centric tenacity sees the Matic Group customer/client relationship as central to our existence. The relationship is fostered on transparent communications, full disclosure, continuous improvement and performing beyond expectations.
Great things do not happen in isolation and are the direct result of the right blend of shared values, collective goals, aligned action and successful outcomes – each shared by a high achieving team.
Matic Group is “Driven by Performance” – successfully performing in each area of Finance, External Relations (Customer), Internal Processes (Operations), Learning & Growth (Staff).