Matic Group actively supports Australian Industry Participation and Aboriginal Engagement as a core business strategy. In particular, local suppliers and businesses relative to our Western Australian Business Enterprises based in Perth, Geraldton, Karratha, Newman & Tom Price – specifically in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Matic has enjoyed a long term mutually beneficial relationship with a local Pilbara Aboriginal Business (PAB) for logistics services. Matic Group is committed to educating all staff on the correct procedures and processes required for local participation engagement, additionally Cultural Engagement Awareness training is provided.
As a testament and dedication to the traditional custodians and ancestors of the First Nation, the Matic Group introduced a tangible acknowledgment to the cultural, spiritual and religious practices of the traditional owners by reflecting traditional art on a number of fleet prime movers and trailers as depicted in the surrounding images. The depicted graphics are a contemporary interpretation of Spirit in Country and connection with country (environment – water and land). The Matic Group pays respect to the traditional owners and ancestors as we seek safe passage and protection of all driving staff on their respective journeys through Country.